Becoming Beautifully Balanced

Y’all do know that work-life balance doesn’t really exist?

There is always a commitment or responsibility that requires more attention and engagement from us.

You could be attending your kids school play or soccer game, and something work related might require your attention at the same time.

You might be a caregiver for an elderly parent or sick loved one and you have the opportunity for a promotion at work but this would require longer work hours.

The difficulty develops when we don’t have the capacity or skills to handle our numerous responsibilities in a healthy manner.

For me, balance didn’t mean I had to do everything. And everything didn’t have to be equal! It wasn’t humanly possible. Being Superwoman was overrated! IJS!

Balance represented an internal harmony and peace that could sustain me as I navigated through the external chaos in my life.

And don’t get all extra with the OMG, your life was chaotic! Navigating a busy career and business, taking care of two kids while my husband traveled was indeed chaotic. And ..... add on taking care of my terminally ill mother. Heck yea, it was!

Prior to stopping my clinical work, I was way out of balance. No internal peace!

Now don’t think changing jobs made everything a bed of roses in my life. There are days where I am working well into the evening. I still struggle to make healthy home cooked meals for my family.

But now, I made the choice to create a new reality for myself by shifting my mindset.

When you are in your 40’s and you have existed and thought a certain way for this long, it takes some work to retrain your thoughts and your actions, but I made it happen.

Do you want to know how?

If not, keep on scrolling!

If you do, here are a few changes that I implemented in my journey towards creating a life of balance.

Stop compartmentalizing

Many times we are afraid to “Be” with all of who we are, so we attempt to hide and cover up those emotions that we are uncomfortable with. I understand that compartmentalization can serve as a coping mechanism when we don’t have the capacity or skill to process our experiences in a healthy manner. However, sometimes we ignore and suppress so much of who and what we have experienced that it leads to a false sense of well-being. Begin to embrace all of who you are - the good and the bad. Don’t judge but reflect on opportunities to become a better version of who you are.

Release the need for perfectionism

As high achievers, we think perfectionism increase our chances of becoming successful. Not the case. Perfectionism shows up when we feel inadequate, when we fear failure or when we attempt to portray a certain image to society. This continued way of existing leads to undesired stress and anxiety. It’s so not worth it because perfectionism is unattainable. So let it go. Understand that failure teaches us lessons and builds character. Isn’t that what we tell our kids?

Make yourself a priority

Set time aside in which you unwind and reset. Make this time non-negotiable!

Ask for help. You can’t be everything for everyone. And you can’t do life alone. Eliminate the guilt of choosing you! You have one life to live and you better live it to the fullest.

The essential component to a healthy and balanced life begins within you. Understand that balance is unique to who we are as individuals.

When we incorporate a lifestyle that nurtures who we are spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically we are capable of creating a life that brings us peace of mind and freedom.

Following the steps provided above can help you begin your journey of Becoming Beautifully Balanced.

Begin to enjoy the simple things in life!

As I age, I look more like my mom!


This was My Walk of Faith