Just Be You


This morning I enjoyed an extra special cup of coffee in my new cup!

Some would say it’s so EXTRA to have a personalized leopard print coffee cup!!

Of course everyone is entitled to their opinions and beliefs!

However, at this present moment in my journey, I am here for all of the “extraness”!

For some, the “extraness” is a component of their natural personality and it comes easy! For others, this is not the case!

What remains important is for you to live an authentic and happy life!

If you want to be regular, then be regular!

If you want to be extra, then be extra!

Just be you!!

For so long, I have lived a “regular” life.

Regular daughter...
Regular wife....
Regular mom....
Regular friend....
Regular physician....

Just Regular.....

Compartmentalizing the many aspects of Jennifer Wade Seaton into perfect and regular boxes!

Afraid and unwilling to be irregular due to the
fear of judgement, discomfort, rejection, failure, and success (yes, success)!

I celebrate my freedom to be “extra” with this small cup of coffee! I typically drink my same regular Starbucks Blonde roast which is a smooth and calm blend. Today, I tried a bold Colombian roast. A blend that I don’t typically drink. I know it’s “just” coffee, but the mindset of playing it safe applies to so many areas in our lives!

We stay involved in unhealthy relationships, unfulfilling careers, or just plain unhappy because we are afraid of discomfort.

Be willing to explore different opportunities and move out of your comfort zone! Start with simple changes like drinking a different blend of coffee!


Stop. Breathe. Begin Again.


Honor Your Past